While browsing through my daily spam emails, I noticed something in my email status window, when looking at TheFoundary’s email a connection was created to pull images from http://www.hayneedle.com. Since being a curious person, I checked out hayneedle.com only to discover it’s a pretty awesome looking furniture store. The other thing I noticed, everything on this site had free shipping, and easy returns Vs. everything on thefoundary having no returns, and as far from free shipping as you can get.
After checking out a few products, I’ve noticed that the original price on hayneedle tends to be higher, but always includes free shipping, rewards dollars, reviews, and the ability to return the product Vs. everything on thefoundary tends to be a lower price, not eligible for returns, and they charge for shipping.
The Foundary
49 in. Lifestyle Desk
Shipping 50.95
No Reviews
No Returns
The Foundary Total = $650.95
49 in. Lifestyle Desk
Free Shipping
Yes Returns
Yes Reviews
$21.00 for future orders
HayNeedle Total = $678.99
The Foundary
28 in. 3-Drawer Mobile Filing Cabinet – Dark Cherry
Shipping 9.95
No Reviews
No Returns
The Foundary Total = $114.95
The 3 Drawer Mobile Filing Cabinet – Dark Cherry
Free Shipping
Yes Returns
Yes Reviews
$4.05 for future orders
HayNeedle Total = $130.94
Another Product
Jaipur Rugs Flux FL08 Area Rug – Tulip Purple
Price $310.99
Price $190.00
Note: With this product it’s using the exact same photos, but changing the name completely and going so far as to changing the dimensions 5 x 7.5 ft vs 5 x 7.6 ft, as if they were trying to be misleading to prevent you from researching a better deal.
Really what it comes down to is researching everything before you buy it but it’s a shame that the same company has different prices out there. So while you do get a better price by going with the foundary it is at least nice to know that for a few dollars more you can buy a product from a website that has reviews, and gives you the option to return the product and I should note that Hayneedle won’t pricematch thefoundary.