Three reasons why this company should be on your radar and not in the good way:
- All-in-one credit cards are nothing new, and actually very few of them have actually launched, Plastic shut down, Coin shut down, Stratos was also viewed as a failure. This one appears to be a carbon copy clone of them all.
- They recently changed their name from ThinPL to Fuze on May 8th, which makes me wonder … why are they still advertising the ThinPL card and not the new name?
- When marketing your product, please don’t show how easily flimsy/bendable it actually is. Look at those corners. If they aren’t paying attention to their marketing images, what makes you think they will be able to have an eye to details for their company?
- Every single one of your marketing videos only show it being available as a swiping card, why isn’t the chip portion working or being shown as an example, you’ll be putting consumers at risk by not focusing on the chip aspect.
Do yourself a favor, don’t preorder this, wait till it’s shipping, just like Plastic went down eating $9 million in preorders, time and time again all-in-one swiping cards keep failing.