Tonight on ABC World News they continued with their “Made in America” segment in which they talked or I prefer the term ‘fluffed’ a company by the name of Fender Guitar about how their guitars were Made in America. However they left out one tiny little detail on both their news article, Fender Carries on Founder’s Dream, Still Making Guitars in the US, and on their video piece.
What’s the little detail? Oh only a few select brands are Made in America, and that most of their other brands are actually made in Central America.
From their wiki,
“Fender manufactures its highest quality, most expensive guitars at its Corona factory in California and manufactures a variety of other mid-to-high quality guitars at its Ensenada factory in Baja California, Mexico. Channing Ward is the lead designer of the 2009 Stratocaster.
Sadly, all the quotes from the factory workers, just mislead the audience members into thinking that Fender Guitars are all Made in America.
Dave “This is not leaving California.”
Rosemary “They are all handmade and we all put our our hearts into it everyday. [AUDIO EDIT] It’s very rewarding.”
The group chanting “Made in America!”.
Great job creatively editing this piece to make it misleading ABC News. #NotAllMadeInAmerica