In case you haven’t heard today, someone actually quit working at the all mighty Apple. Please read the boring article here.
But after a little googling of Mr. Jordan Price, and watching his lovely promo video I can’t help but think that he thinks quite highly of himself, so without further ado, here’s the critique.
Shall we join Jordan on his way to quit the office today?
Oh now lets watch some gorgeous San Fran Broll, it’s really a great day to quit.
Oh here’s some more broll, puts you in a quitting mood!
I think he’s getting close to an office now, but why is his car key out, didn’t he walk all this way?
Continuity error! His door key is now out. Hopefully he leaves these keys behind when he quits.
:18 seconds before we actually see him work, so this video is :50 long, does that mean he only works for just over half a day? Must be too long of hours for Princess Jordan.
I can drawz boxzes on printer paper, this is very hards.
Let’s get a dolly shot to show me pointing at a wall and ‘working’. “Excuse me, does this button make it explode?”
“No moron, This button? How can you not know what this button does, But can you see my blank stare?, It’s because I’m about to quit.”
Attention HR department, I can use a mouse! “Must delete all files.”
And I can drag things left to right!
Jordan, the world is full of long hours, but judging by your non-emotions in your own video, you need a more boring less fulfilling lifestyle, so best of luck to you. We sure wouldn’t hire you.